Our focus is to work with grades K-2. However, the program is also available for older grades.

We recommend schools take a regular reading period and split the class in half. Half of the students stay with the teacher and half go to the lab. Midway through the period, the two groups switch. The teacher sees all of the students each day for that period but is able to work with the students in smaller groups while the other students are experiencing the online training. There is no extra requirement placed on teachers. In fact, the process makes their lives easier. They typically love working with a smaller group for that period. 

Teachers get a helping hand to provide the training they wish they had the time to provide.

In the lab, we recommend recruiting two volunteers to help the lab supervisor. The online program provides the training, but the adults provide the needed supervision, coaching and mentoring to help the children succeed. The first week introduces the students to the basic concepts and provides basic character training. Once students understand how to do the online program, most of the time is spent training. The adults keep the students on task, answer questions and interact with students as needed to provide encouragement. Each time a student passes a round, students give the touchdown gesture and an adult comes by to acknowledge their success and gives the student a high five. As students see fellow students succeeding and getting the feedback, they generally try harder to succeed.