Smarter is good!

The proper brain training can help to make you smarter.

Smarter means:

  • Learning is easier and faster.
  • More time to have fun.
  • Better grades.
  • Better jobs.
  • Better life.

Why you should do brain training exercises

  • We all have a set of mental tools we use to process information and learn.
  • These tools are called cognitive skills.
  • Weak skills can make learning hard.
  • The more efficient our skills, the smarter we are and the easier it is to learn.
  • Even professional athletes have to train in order to excel in sports.
  • The brain is like a muscle. Training makes the brain stronger and faster.
  • Don’t settle for weak skills when you can train and make them stronger.

Click to view this simulation on how the brain can make new connections. Scroll down the page on this website to view the simulation.


  • Imagine trying to use a computer that is 10 years old.
  • It might work, but it would be slow compared to using a new computer.
    • It would not have enough memory to work efficiently.
    • It would not have enough storage.
    • The software would not have the latest features.
  • The underlying components that make the computer work properly would not be efficient. Using this computer would be frustrating.
  • The brain is similar. It consists of many different components called cognitive skills. When these skills are not working properly, learning can be frustrating.
  • It is time to upgrade. Brain training can help to upgrade your operating system—your brain!

Training is challenging

  • Have you ever watched a professional athlete or dancer train?
  • What you see during performances is the result of years of hard work during training to master the skills needed to succeed.
  • Brain training is similar.
  • This training will be hard work, but it will be worth it.
  • With upgraded skills, you will be able to perform better for the rest of your life in everything that you choose to do.

Get ready to train

  • Make sure your computer has updated versions of the browser software and Adobe Flash.
  • Review Tutorials for each exercise in this knowledge base.
  • Review Training Demo.
    • Full access to all ten exercises, level 1; except Sound Analysis goes up to level 5 to show a full cycle of exercises for one sound group. Move slider bar to access different speeds.
    • Students can practice on the demo until they are ready for the regular program.
    • Get help from your teacher or parent as needed.
  • Begin regular program.
  • Go to CogRead, click on the training icon and login with your student login credentials.

Nature of the training–Failure is part of the process

  • There are ten different procedures, each training a different set of skills. But there is significant overlap.
  • Each procedure has multiple levels.
  • Each level has multiple speeds or steps, except Sound Analysis only has one step.
  • The goal of the training is to find the point at which you cannot easily do that procedure and then practice at that level/speed until you master the skills needed to pass.
  • If you pass too easily, the procedure did not expand your mind.
  • So failing is part of the process. As soon as you pass, the program will jump to something harder to continue the training.

Time commitment, intensity of training

  • The harder you train, the better. You will complete the program faster and the training will be more effective.
  • Even if you do not pass a round, if you pay attention and try your best, you will exercise your brain. It may take many tries before you pass, but the training is what strengthens your brain.
  • Try to spend at least an hour a day, five days a week. Less time is still beneficial, but it will take longer and the training won’t be as efficient.
  • You can break up the hour into two 30 minute sessions.
  • If you miss a day, that is ok. Just pick up where you left off as soon as you can.

Training Process

  • Make sure you understand the instructions for each exercise.
    • Review the tutorials as needed.
    • Ask for help from your teacher or parent as needed.
  • You must work on the chosen exercise for the preset time until completed in order to advance to the next exercise.
    • Default time is six minutes of active time, which usually equates to eight-ten (8-10) minutes of elapsed time.
    • Program does not return to the homepage until the last round is completed, so the actual time for a session can be longer.
    • If the program is not operating correctly, close the browser and login again after waiting one minute. Make sure the internet connection is working and you have the latest browser and Adobe Flash software. If any problem persist, please inform your teacher.
  • Please complete the full time on each exercise rather than close the browser unnecessarily to avoid working on that exercise.
  • Once an exercise is completed, the program will return to your homepage where you can select the next exercise.
  • That particular exercise will be disabled until all exercises have been completed in that cycle.
  • Select another exercise to continue.
  • Once all the exercises have been completed the cycle will repeat.
  • You do not have to complete all exercises in a session. When your training time is up for that session, close the browser and the program will start where you left off the next time you login.
  • Ask for help from your teacher or parent if you are stuck or don’t understand the instructions.

Student Admin System

The following tutorials are available in the Knowledge Base. Please review each one separately.

  1. Introduction to the Student Admin System
  2. Monitor Progress
  3. Change training variables