Once logged into the administrative system, select the desired group, then select the Reports tab. The following report links will be available.
Group Evaluation Summary Report
Select the link for this report for Gibson Test results and a screen to define the report will appear. Select include sub-groups if you wish to include all subgroups under the selected group. Do not select this box if you only wish the report for the selected group. Select the box to export to CSV (common separated values). This will load the report data into your spreadsheet program. Define the minimum scores you want selected for the report. Leave blank if you wish a summary of all student scores. You can also select minimum scores for individual sub-tests. For example, if you wish the report to contain only students who scored less than 25 percentile on Auditory Processing, enter 25 in that field.
The report will list all students, including the student name, and the percentile score for each sub test. PS = processing speed, WM = working memory, VM = visual memory, AM = auditory memory, LTM = long-term memory, WA = word attack, VP = visual processing, AP = auditory processing and LR = logic and reasoning.
Group Evaluation Pre-Post Report
This report is similar to the summary report defined above, except the report lists both the pre and post test scores for each student.
Group Letter Sounds Evaluation Report
This report allows the administrator to print out the Letter Sounds Evaluation Report for all students in the group at once, rather than having to do so one at a time for each student. See the link for the Letter Sounds Report, http://cogread.com/kb/letter-sound-assessment/.
Basic Exercise Report
After selecting this report link, a screen will appear which allows the administrator to define the report parameters.
The report will list all students in the defined group(s) and show the following basic information.
Stuck Exercise Report
Select the Stuck Exercise Report link and the follow screen will appear. Enter the desired variables and select submit.
This report will identify students in the time period selected with the specified number of rounds or greater tried on the current level for each exercise that meets the minimum specified. In the example below, student 1 is stuck on Fixation Numbers on level 3, Student 2 on Pattern Group level 2. This quickly identified students who need extra coaching to get them unstuck. Check to see if the student understands the instructions. Check to see if the student is getting any correct and just needs more time to build skills. Provide suggestions as needed. If the student is frustrated, turn that exercise off temporarily. Move the student back one or two levels to regain confidence and momentum based upon student input.
Advanced Exercise Report
Select the link for the advanced report. Below is a screen shot of the entry screen to define the report.
Select to include subgroups as desired and the time period.
Select to display the levels and levels passed for a complete report.
Click submit.
The report shows totals, the current level by exercise and the number of rounds passed during the specified period. This example selected the display levels only.
The report below had both display elements selected. It displays two rows of values per exercise. The top value is rounds passes/rounds attempted. For the first student on Attention Arrows (AA) the student passed 2 out of 12 rounds. The lower line per student is the current level and the number of levels passed this period. This is the same as the first chart above.
Level by Period Exercise Report
This is an internal report used to evaluate average progress by age per exercise.